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Bye, Washington!


[Seattle, WA, July 23, 2018]

When I get into a good travel rhythm, it seems that I could easily extend my trip to last much longer. I’ve made it with just the clothes I’ve packed this far, I can just keep going, right? When it came time to come home to Los Angeles, I wasn’t ready for our Washington trip to be over at all!

Luckily, our flight was not until 2 pm, so we had a few hours we could still use to around downtown Seattle. First, we went to the REI flagship store, which was not too far from our hotel. B had to return the hiking poles he got there, as they didn’t work out well for him. Afterwards, we headed for the Seattle Central library. B is a book worm, so I was not surprised, although I believe the Seattle Central library is an awesome building that should be on anyone’s list. It’s a 11-story glass and steel building downtown and it opened in 2004. The outside is quite spectacular!

Once we found ourselves inside, we were sorry we couldn’t spend more time there. There is natural light everywhere and lots of different spaces that encourage people to hang out. The Seattle Central library’s utilization is double what was predicted.

View from the 11th floor

Our flight home was short and uneventful. Seeing downtown LA and our beach cities from the air always fills me with gratitude that this is where I call home, regardless of what fabulous destination I am coming from.

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